Udaloy Class Anti-Submarine Destroyers, Russia

The Udaloy I class are a series of anti-submarine destroyers built for the Soviet Navy, eight of which are currently in service with the Russian Navy. The Russian designation is Project 1155 Fregat (Frigate bird). Twelve ships were built between 1980 and 1991, while a thirteenth ship built to a modified design as the Udaloy II class followed in 1999. They complement the Sovremennyy-class destroyer in anti-aircraft warfare and anti-surface warfare operations.

The Udaloy Class of anti-submarine destroyers were built for the Russian Navy between 1980 and 1999. As of 2010, eight destroyers were in service.
The Project 1155 dates to the 1970s when it was concluded that it was too costly to build large-displacement, single-role combatants. The concept of a specialized surface ships was developed by Soviet designers. Two different types of warships were laid down which were designed by the Severnoye Design Bureau: Project 956 destroyer and Project 1155 large antisubmarine ship. Generally the Soviet equivalent of the American Spruance class, there are variations in SAM and air search radar among units of the class.

Designed primarily as an anti-submarine warfare platform, with a long cruising range and underway replenishment capabilities, Udaloy class ships provide support to surface task forces. Udaloy reflects design changes that addressed the shortcomings of the previous Krivak program; namely the lack of helicopter facilities, limited sonar capabilities, and light air-defenses. The Udaloy has two helicopter hangars with doors that serve as a ramp to the flight deck. The ship uses a Polinom active/passive search/attack sonar system. The Udaloy's air-defense system consists of 8 Klinok launchers, and the AK-630 and AK-100 gun mounts.

Following Udaloy‍'​s commissioning, designers began developing an upgrade package in 1982 to provide more balanced capabilities with a greater emphasis on anti-shipping. The Project 1155.1 Fregat II Class Large ASW Ship (NATO Codename Udaloy II) is roughly the counterpart of the Improved Spruance class; only one was originally completed, but in 2006 Admiral Kharlamov was reported to have been upgraded to a similar standard. In April 2010 Severnaya Verf shipyard announced that the destroyer Vice-Admiral Kulakov, which had been retired in 1990, was being upgraded to Udaloy II standard and will resume patrolling in 2013.

Similar to Udaloy externally, it was a new configuration replacing the SS-N-14 with SS-N-22 "Sunburn" (Moskit) antiship missiles, a twin 130 mm gun, UDAV-1 antitorpedo rockets, and gun/SAM CIWS systems. A standoff ASW capability is retained by firing SS-N-15 missiles from the torpedo tubes.

Powered by a modern gas turbine engine, the Udaloy II is equipped with more capable sonars, an integrated air defense fire control system, and a number of digital electronic systems based on state-of-the-art circuitry. The original MGK-355 Polinom integrated sonar system (with NATO reporting names Horse Jaw and Horse Tail respectively for the hull mounted and towed portions) on Udaloy-I ships is replaced by its successor, a newly designed Zvezda M-2 sonar system that has a range in excess of 100 kilometres (62 mi) in the 2nd convergence zone. The Zvezda sonar system is considered by its designers to be the equivalent in terms of overall performance of the AN/SQS-53 on US destroyers, though much bulkier and heavier than its American counterpart: the length of the hull mounted portion is nearly 30 meters. The torpedo approaching warning function of the Polinom sonar system is retained and further improved by its successor.

6,200-6,700 tons standard
8,200-8,404 tons full load
Dimensions (m):
163.0 meters long
19.0-19.7 meters beam
7.87.9 meters draft

The destroyers are armed with eight SS-N-14 anti-submarine missiles and Kinzhal vertical launchers for SA-N-9 surface-to-air missiles. The SA-N-9 missile can intercept aerial targets within a range of 12km. The Udaloy II is equipped with eight SS-N-22 Sunburn anti-ship missiles.

A twin-barrel 100mm naval gun and four 30mm Gatling guns are mounted on the vessel. The ship has an Altair CADS-N-1 Kashtan CIWS to defend anti-ship missiles, anti-radar missiles and guided bombs. There are also two RBU-6000 213mm-calibre anti-submarine rocket launchers fitted on the ship.

The Udaloy II is armed with a twin 130mm gun and SAM CIWS /Gryazev-Shipunov GSh-6-30 30mm cannons.

The Udaloy I Class is fitted with two 553mm torpedo tubes launching eight Type-53 anti-submarine torpedoes. These tubes have been retained in the Udaloy II, and can be used to fire SS-N-15 missiles. The UDAV-1 anti-torpedo weapon system on board the Udaloy II provides a multi-layer defence against torpedoes.

The ship has an aft flight deck and two helicopter hangars to support the operations of two Ka-27 Helix-A ASW helicopters. The hangar doors serve as a ramp to the flight deck.

Countermeasures include the IR laser detector array and PK-2 ship-borne decoy launching system. The system includes decoy launchers, decoy rockets, control consoles and radar. It deceives homing anti-ship missiles by dispensing electronic and optronic decoys. The later ships were installed with a PK-10 shipborne decoy launching system.

The class is fitted with a MGK-355 Polinom sonar suite with Horse Jaw bow-mounted low frequency sonar and Horse Tail low frequency variable depth sonar. The Polinom sonar system was replaced with the modern Zvezda M-2 sonar system in the Udaloy II class. The system has a range of over 100km. Radars include a MR-760MA Fregat-MA / Top Plate 3-D air search radar and a MR-320M Topaz-V / Strut Pair air / surface search radar.

The Udaloy is equipped with a combined gas and gas (COGAG) propulsion system. Two M62 cruise gas turbines and two M8KF boost gas turbines drive two propellers through two independent shafts. These turbines deliver a total of 60,000 shaft horsepower.

 Name  Russian  Laid down  Launched  Commissioned  Status 
Udaloy I class (Russian type BPK - Large ASW Ship)
Udaloy«Удалой» (bold)23 July 19775 February 198031 December 1980Decommissioned in 1997, scrapped at Murmansk in 2002
Vice-Admiral Kulakov«Вице-адмирал Кулаков» after (Nikolay Mikhailovich Kulakov)4 November 197716 May 198029 December 1981Retired in 1991. Repaired, recomissioned in 2010, in service as of 2014
Marshal Vasilyevsky«Маршал Василевский» after (Aleksandr Vasilevsky)22 April 197929 December 19818 December 1983Removed from service
Admiral Zakharov«Адмирал Захаров» after (Semen Egorovich Zakharov)16 October 19814 November 198230 December 1983Caught fire in 1992 and scrapped
Admiral Spiridonov«Адмирал Спиридонов» after (Emil Nikolayevich Spiridonov)11 April 198228 April 198430 December 1984Decommissioned in 2001
Admiral Tributs«Адмирал Трибуц» (after Vladimir Filippovich Tributs)19 April 198026 March 198330 December 1985Caught fire in 1991, but returned to service. Serving with the Russian Pacific Fleet
Marshal Shaposhnikov«Маршал Шапошников» (after Boris Mikhailovich Shaposhnikov)25 May 198327 December 198430 December 1985In service with the Russian Pacific Fleet
Severomorsk«Североморск» (after Severomorsk)12 June 198424 December 198530 December 1987In service with the Russian Northern Fleet
Admiral Levchenko«Адмирал Левченко» (after Gordey Ivanovich Levchenko)27 January 198221 February 198530 September 1988In service with the Russian Northern Fleet
Admiral Vinogradov«Адмирал Виноградов» after (Nikolay Ignatyevich Vinogradov)5 February 19864 June 198730 December 1988In service with the Russian Pacific Fleet
Admiral Kharlamov«Адмирал Харламов» after (Nikolay Mikhaylovich Kharlamov)5 February 19864 June 198730 December 1988In service with the Russian Northern Fleet
Admiral Panteleyev«Адмирал Пантелеев» after (Yuriy Aleksandrovich Panteleyev)28 January 19887 February 199019 December 1991In service with the Russian Pacific Fleet
Udaloy II class
Admiral Chabanenko«Адмирал Чабаненко» after (Andrey Trofimovich Chabanenko)28 February 198916 June 199428 January 1999In service with the Russian Northern Fleet
Admiral Basisty«Адмирал Басистый» after (Nikolay Efremovich Basistyy)1991Scrapped in 1994
Admiral Kucherov«Адмирал Кучеров» after (Stepan Grigorievich Kucherov)1991Scrapped in 1993