Ilyushin Il-38 Maritime Patrol / ASW Aircraft, Russia

The Ilyushin Il-38 "Dolphin" (NATO reporting name: May) is a maritime patrol aircraft and anti-submarine warfare aircraft designed by the Russia-based Ilyushin Aviation Complex. Derived from the Ilyushin Il-18 turboprop transport aircraft, the Il-38 can be deployed in surveillance, search and rescue, maritime reconnaissance and anti-submarine warfare operations.
The aircraft can detect and intercept surface vessels and submarines.
It meets a requirement to counter American ballistic missile submarines. The Communist Party Central Committee and the Council of Ministers issued a joint directive on 18 June 1960, calling for a prototype to be ready for trials by the second quarter of 1962. The fuselage, wing, tail unit and engine nacelles were the same as the Il-18 and it had the same powerplant and flightdeck. An aerodynamic prototype of the Il-38 first flew on 28 September 1961, with the first production aircraft following in September 1967. Production continued until 1972, when the longer range and more versatile Tupolev Tu-142 derivative of the Tupolev Tu-95 strategic bomber had entered service.

Il-38 ASW cockpit
The partial glass cockpit accommodates a pilot, co-pilot, flight engineer and operational crew, including a tactical coordinator, sensor operators, an MAD operator and observers.

Ilyushin Il-38 avionics
The Il-38 avionics suite includes a radar, a forward-looking infrared (FLIR) turret below the nose and the ELINT system. The system is mounted on struts above the forward fuselage.
The upgraded avionics and electronic warfare suite features a new synthetic-aperture radar / inverse-synthetic-aperture radar (SAR / ISAR), a search and attack radar, a high-resolution FLIR sensor, a low-light television camera, a new electronic support measures system, an MAD and active and passive sonobuoys. The sensor suite can detect air targets at a distance of up to 90km and sea going targets at 320km, and simultaneously track up to 32 targets.

Aircraft armaments
The aircraft is fitted with two internal weapons bays on the forward and backward sides of the wing to carry missiles, torpedoes, FAB 250 free-fall bombs and depth charges.
The aircraft has been retrofitted to carry the Sea Eagle anti-ship missiles. The missile can reach the moving targets in 110km range. It is also equipped with R-73RDM2 short-range air-to-air missiles.
The aircraft is also equipped with radio communication system and electronic countermeasures system.
The Indian Navy aircraft can be armed with an air-launched BrahMos supersonic cruise missile. BrahMos is jointly developed by Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) of India and NPO Mashinostroeyenia of Russia. It has a speed of Mach 2.8 and can hit targets within the range of 290km.

The aircraft is powered by four ZMKB Progress (Ivchenko) Al-20M single-shaft turboprop engines driving four four-bladed propellers. The engines deliver a power output of 3,125kW. This supplied the Il-38 with a maximum speed between 380 and 400 miles per hour and a range between 4,400 and 6,000 miles for an operational endurance nearing 12 hours of consistent flight time. Service ceiling was listed at approximately 32,800 feet with a rate-of-clim wqualing 1,050 feet per minute. Empty weight was in the vicinity of 74,000 lbs with a maximum take-off weight near 140,000lbs. 

Production aircraft
Modified variant with a receiver probe as part of a hose and drogue air refuelling System, did not enter service
Was a modified tanker variant of the Il-38, did not enter service
Improved variant sometimes referred to as Il-38SD for Sea Dragon the new search and tracking system. Version for the Russian Navy is equipped with the Novella system. Il-38N is able to find air targets at ranges of up to 90 kilometers and follow the surface objects within a radius of 320 kilometers. 5 aircraft have been delivered to the Russian Navy. Modernized anti-submarine planes have entered into service with Russia’s Pacific Fleet.