Ray-Ting 2000 / Thunderbolt-2000 AMLRS, Taiwan

The Ray-Ting 2000 (RT2000), or Thunderbolt-2000, is a new Artillery Multiple Launch Rocket System (AMLRS) manufactured by Taiwan-based Chungshan Institute of Science and Technology (CSIST) for the Republic of China (Taiwan) Army. The wheeled MLRS replaces the existing Kung Feng VI 117mm rocket system.

The Ray-Ting 2000 artillery launch rocket system was displayed for the first time during the Han Kuang Exercise in 1997. Series production of the system was delayed until 2000 due to structural problems in the launcher unit. The problems were resolved and testing was successfully completed by July 2003.
The Thunderbolt-2000 AMLRS is intended to launch missiles against enemy amphibious assault landing craft and other warships. The system also enhances the firepower of traditional tube artillery.

Ray-Ting 2000 design features
The Ray-Ting 2000 launcher, along with a self-reload crane, can be mounted to the rear side of a high mobility 8x8 cargo truck. The launcher can be equipped with pods of unguided surface-to-surface rockets. The design of sealed rocket pod ensures rapid reloading, and lowers the maintenance and storage requirements.
The fire-control panel is housed in the fully enclosed forward control cab which allows the crew to aim and launch rockets from within the cabin. The unit is equipped with electronic unit, position and direction determining system, controller box, servo motors, amplifier, and communications processor.
The fully automatic fire control system, and elevation and azimuth driven systems aboard the truck allow the operator to automatically aim and elevate launch tubes and compute firing data.

Ray-Ting 2000 rocket details
The RT2000 uses three types of rockets: Mk15, Mk30 and Mk45. The mark number of each rocket type indicates the maximum range in kilometers. The RT-2000 can use 60 Mk15 117-mm rockets. It is the same rocket used with the Kung Feng 6A launcher. The Mk30 180-mm rocket is larger and launcher can hold 27 of them. The Mk45 is a 230-mm rocket and has a range of 45 km. It is claimed that a full salvo of the Mk45 rockets covers area of 200 000 m², destroying all small landing craft and damaging larger ones. The RT-2000 can hold 12 of the Mk45 rockets. The Mk30 and Mk45 can utilize high explosive or cluster warheads. It is worth mentioning that the RT-2000 can fire while moving.The rockets are fired from pods mounted in the launcher and the empty pods are replaced with a fresh pod using the crane on the vehicle. The rockets have a circular error probability of less than 1%.

Launch vehicle
The first variant of the RT-2000 was based on the American Oshkosh Defense M977 HEMTT truck. The truck is powered by the Detroit Diesel 8V92TA engine, developing 450 horsepower, provides a maximum speed of 100km/h and a range of 450km, and the wheeled vehicle improves the manoeuvrability of the system. The latest production system is mounted on an 8x8 MAN military truck.

Mounted in the fully enclosed forward control cab is the fire-control panel which allows the crew to aim and fire the rockets with key elements of the system including the electronic unit, position and attitude determining system, controller box, servo motors, amplifier and the communications processor.

MK 15 rocket 117 mm with 60 rockets
Mk 30 rocket 180 mm with 27 rockets 
Mk 45 rocket 230 mm with 12 rockets
Country users
Country Producer
Computer and fire control.
3 soldiers
Firing Range (Max.)
(MK 15 rocket) 15,000 m
(MK 30 rocket) 30,000 m
(MK 45 rocket) 45,000 m 
8x8 MAN military truck
Speed Truck
100 km/h
Range Truck
450 km
No armor protection
Engine truck
Detroit Diesel 8V92TA